Friday, June 8, 2018

My nose to the Halloween grindstone...

"Baby Just Wants to Cuddle" - paper clay, wood, acrylics on wood platform.
2017 by Ellie Gee 

What does your art table look like? Mine is so overflowing with projects, I think I may need to knock down a wall and enlarge my studio. Seriously, I have way too many things calling my attention. I would say that is a good thing, right? Keeps me busy and motivated, especially as these are the months I really put my nose to the grindstone, for MONSTERS & MERRIMENT is only about three months away.

A few photos of the MacabreWebs booth from last year's show.


  1. the one-eye Monster is so cute!

  2. Thank you so very much!
    I have a thing for one-eyed monsters a la Rat Fink. My favorite!
